Seattle Community Colleged District; Seattle, WA
NIS provided a detailed network, voice, and facilities infrastructure assessment that included modifications to the College telecommunications rooms. In addition, network load and traffic analysis and estimated VoIP QoS metrics were evaluated to properly ascertain the physical infrastructure requirements necessary to build a next-generation network. NIS evaluated the current data center design for equipment placement and modifications to meet anticipated growth requirements and addressed possible changes in Dmarc locations, upgrades from existing DSS circuits to ISDN PRI circuits.
NIS also performed a detailed analysis of the existing Microsoft Exchange and Windows directory structures and Microsoft Outlook email system. NIS prepared recommendations which would ensure a cost-effective successful integration of an IP telephony system into the Seattle Community College network directory and email structure. NIS then reported on the effects of converting to Microsoft Exchange in a VoIP environment. In addition, NIS addressed integration issues, feature differences, the financial impact including annual maintenance charges and effects upon training, staffing and equipment resources and a needs assessment for SIP based technology.
Pacific University; Forest Grove, OR
PROJECT OVERVIEW NIS was retained to assist Pacific University with the technology requirements for several projects including a new library, renovation of the athletic center, and relocation of Old College Hall. As this project progressed, it became apparent that the...
Portland Community College
PROJECT OVERVIEW Portland Community College (PCC) has been a client of NIS for more than 10 years. Our most recent project with the College was a managed migration of their E911 environment in conjunction with an enterprise installation of VoIP services. Previously,...
Lane Community College
PROJECT OVERVIEW NIS was retained by Lane Community College to perform an exhaustive evaluation of their data center. This evaluation included all aspects of power, HVAC, and space planning. Our report was then used as a base for the design and construction of a new...
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